Kalk15 is a computer program intended for converting basic quantities concerning liquid fuels, that is temperature, density, volume and mass. It enables to discover the characteristics of fuel density and volume changes, depending on its temperature, as well as to demonstrate that fuel mass is invariant, regardless of the temperature.
(Download KALK15) The program calculates density and temperature within the following ranges:
  • density at the actual temperature (Tp): 713,0 - 893,0 kg/m3
  • density at the temperature of 15°C: 682,8 - 911,2 kg/m3
  • temperature: from -18°C to +42°C
Kalk15 shall certainly find its use in businesses dealing with both retail (petrol stations) and wholesale (fuel warehouses, petroleum bases, haulage contractors) fuel trading. The program offers the following calculation functions:
  • Determining fuel density at the temperature of 15°C on the basis of measurement temperature and fuel density at this temperature
  • Determining fuel density at a specified measurement temperature, in accordance with density at the temperature of 15°C
  • Determining fuel volume at the temperature of 15°C on the basis of measurement temperature and fuel density and volume at this temperature
  • Determining fuel volume at a specified measurement temperature on the basis of density and volume at the temperature of 15°C
  • Determining fuel volume and its mass at the temperature of 15°C on the basis of measurement temperature and fuel density and volume at this temperature
  • Determining fuel volume and its mass at a specified measurement temperature on the basis of density and volume at the temperature of 15°C
  • Determining fuel volume on the basis of its density and mass
  • Determining fuel mass on the basis of its density and volume
  • Determining fuel density on the basis of its volume and mass
  • The so-called Delivery Function - determining fuel volume at the temperature of 15°C on the basis of measurement temperature, fuel density at the temperature of 15°C and fuel volume at measurement temperature
  • Diagram of fuel volume change in relation to temperature - represents increment or decrement of fuel volume within a specified temperature range
All performed calculations, in accordance with the above functions, can be documented in a form which contains calculation parameters, date and time of their performance, as well as the data of KALK15 software user. Printouts also contain the information that the program performs the calculations on the basis of :
Volume Correction Factors,
TABLE 53B and 54B
(ASTM D 1250-80)

Download KALK15
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VAT :PL7711327934
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